
søndag den 23. december 2012

Easy and healthy caramelised apples

Hey, just another recipe!

This is a recipe of easy and healthy caramelised apples

3 apples
50 grams of dates (without the skin and stone)
1 tablespoons Agave syrup
Some desiccated coconut to roll the apples in
and 3 popsicle sticks

Mash the dates with the Agave syrup until you have a thick caramel consistence.

Clean and dry the apples and put a popsicle stick in each of them
Cover the apples with the dates and Agave mash and roll them in the desiccated coconut.

They taste almost like real caramelised apples, but the don't crunch as much :/

lørdag den 22. december 2012

Raw chocolate coated hazelnuts

Just wanted to post another of the recipes.

Raw chocolate coated hazelnuts
100 grams of dates (without the skin and stone)
2 tablespoons of Agave syrup
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Approx. 2 decilitres of hazelnuts
A pinch of salt
Some raw cacao

Mash the dates with coconut oil and Agave syrup and salt until it's an even "dough".
Then put the hazelnuts in the dough so they all are covered with the dough.
Then you roll a couple of nuts, or just one, in the cacao powder.
Make them cold before serving.

Fancy te


I onsdags var jeg på restaurant Cool & Green med min far. Jeg havde givet ham et gavekort til en julefrokost buffet derinde, i hans fødselsdags gave. Der var rigtig meget lækkert mad og jeg fik helt sikkert spist for meget, men det var hyggeligt.
Jeg bestilte en fersken te og den måde jeg fik den serveret på var ret interessant og jeg synes lige at jeg vil poste et billede af det.

Den var såå god, selvom jeg tror jeg lod den trække for længe... Ups


Hey guys!
The other day I became a user of Pinterest. It's an amazing site where I'm getting very inspired!
If you follow me on Pinterest you can see what I was inspired of, and you can pin and repin my blog posts if you want to save them among other recipes or what so ever :)

Click on the link to follow me: Linnea's Pinterest

Quick Christmas Confections

Hi, today I made Christmas confections with a friend. It was soo much fun.
I will post all the recipes I made, and I'll start with this date and apricot yum yum:
All you need is:
Dried apricots

You half the dates and apricots with a knife and stuff some marzipan in them.
I used some nougat and Daim chocolate bar too, but you can mix and match with whatever you like to stuff in them :)

BONUS: They are a little helthier than just nougat and marzipan confections because you also fill your stomach with fruit vitamins ;)